I felt that there needed to be a follow up to the blog that I posted a couple days ago. I had said things about "The Great Fight" and how lately I had seen the battle in my own life of sin nature versus the Righteousness that God has now bestowed upon me as a believer in Him. It is difficult to think about sometimes because sometimes we don't even notice that we just give in. Sometimes as believers we get so used to living the life that we have that we just give in without even thinking about it. Where do I see that? I see it in my life until the past few months. In my life sin was there in the shadows and though I felt in my heart it needed to go and felt the call of God for it to go I never truly did anything about it. Sometimes I would have an occasional battle to try to get out or away of sin, but otherwise many times I didn't think about it. It was easy and I just fell in. With that said we can see now we just fall into sin. Now what about our lives in general. Are we the same way? God gave me huge passions and huge desires to do things that are amazing in ministry, but I have yet to stand up and fight like I need to to get going toward those things. How can we do this? How can we sit back everyday and not fight? In the past few months and especially since God turned my world upside down I have for the first time realized something. The sin nature will always be there. The life of comfort will always be there. I will always have the temptation to fall into the cracks of sin or into the sea of undiscipline and be unfruitful and also not care about anything. From what I can see in John 10:10 "The thief comes only to kill, and steal and destroy; I (Jesus) came so that you may have life, and have it abundantly." we are in Jesus able to have life more abundant. What does that mean though? I believe this life more abundant means that our life is awesome and that with Christ it will be amazing. That is not it though for all of you tele-evangelist fans, it also means that everyday is a battle and every day we go to the battle lines. We are never stopping to smell the roses and have a little break....we are always at battle. We are always at battle with sin nature and should give it to God and rest in Him. We are always at battle for mediocrity which we should let Jesus control and just run after Him. There are no excuses in the end of why we were lukewarm or just ok all of our life. There are no excuses for desciding to just go ahead and not fight sin for a couple days and indulge. God calls us to serve Him and no other. What I have said from the start is this, "Everything good is worth fighting for. Everything that is worth something will be hard to get." So in your own life don't ever just give up on something, always battle. No matter the circumstance, it is worth the fight if God has put you up to it. Everything that is worth anything to us will always be marred by sweat and tears.
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