Our life is all about Christ if we are believers, so shouldn't we do more than the obligatory "God Bless You" or "I'll Pray For You?" Honestly those two phrases are used many times and for many hearing them so much has made them useless. Maybe it is because we say that we will pray for someone and don't. Or maybe we say God bless you to someone and then 5 minutes later we get overboard with the way we handle something and it completely messes up our witness. There are other things out there that are the norm for people to hear that aren't believers and they don't represent Jesus well at all (bad witness). Maybe some of us mean them to but honestly what if instead of going out of our way to send a chain email about Jesus, praying, or some inspirational poem or something we actually took action in the free righteous life that God has given to us as believers? What if we lived our life to the fullest because we realize that there is nothing more pleasing than waking up to Jesus presence and Holiness in our lives? What if before we fell asleep at night we spent time on our knees in tears because for once we went through the day with the Cross completely at the forefront of our minds instead of in our peripheral vision so that we could say that we "followed Jesus" but in realness we put ourselves first still? I have been thinking alot lately about one solemn question that is relentless in my mind. Let me describe this to you. I was thinking alot about how people say they live life to the fullest and they are doing everything under the sun. People are going out and partying, doing drugs, having sexual frenzies with who ever they feel they want to at the time. People are living in this life where they act as if they don't want to miss out. SEX, DRUGS, AND ROCK N ROLL! So with that being the way of the world and with that being the person or persons before saving knowledge of Jesus here is what I am thinking....Since we as believers know the truth and the freedom in Christ, why don't we live it up Jesus style? What keeps us from just living out the life of amazing obedience to God in the funnest life of all....the abundant Christ centered life described in John 10:10? Why don't we let loose and get out of our ridiculous lifestyles and go for the gusto? If we did live for Jesus like that I think I know what it would sound like as a song.
I will dance
I will sing
To be mad
For my King
Nothing Lord
Is hindering
This passion in my soul
I will dance
I will sing
To be mad
For my King
Nothing Lord
Is hindering
This passion in my soul
And I'll become
Even more undignified than this
Some may say
It's foolishness
But I'll become
Even more undignified than this
Leave my pride
By my side
And I'll become
Even more undignified than this
Some may say
It's foolishness
But I'll become
Even more undignified than this
Than this
I wonder...what are we missing out on in life if we aren't living that way? King David, that was a great man after God was undignified in how he praised and lived for God (Old Testament)...but he understood. He loved God mightily....I hope that my life will show that soon. I pray that I will be intimately involved with God in a relationship that transforms my life to no longer worry about things, but to keep after Him in absolute craziness of worship in my life.
DISCLAIMER...Though this is my hearts desire and what I have been struggling with lately my life is not like this. Jesus though provides the way to be like this and not many people I know can claim this lifestyle...but what if we quit asking what if........and just ran with Jesus. What else matters?
1 comment:
your blog is very good......
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