1 life-what its supposed to be like
2 marriage-read and find out
3 being a leader
So lets go with number 1. I have been thinking about life in general and what it is supposed to mean. As a believer why are we contemplative about? Shouldn't our life be one big party for the cause of Christ and the glorifying of His name? I posted a blog about this somewhat not too long ago. Check this out... John 10:7 So Jesus said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
8"All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. 9"I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 11"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
So here we go...If we are saved then why do we contemplate doing anything for our King and Savior Jesus? We don't live a free life and lately that has been bothering me. Lord shake us loose to the way we are supposed to be.
Numero 2.
For the longest time in the past 3 or so years I have had marriage on my mind alot. It is so crazy the way it would go through my head. I started thinking about how awesome it would be to have certain songs at my wedding. I knew what I would wear at the wedding and saw so many things and had known for a while who was going to be in the wedding. I had written songs to the potential bride. With feeling that it was near I was prepared in many ways and still working in other areas to become ready. Well now I can see differently, all I can say is will you marry me Jesus? I feel that all those things will seem very small in the light of having an intimate relationship with a Savior that is worthy of my praise. If He so chooses for me to be married at that time He will reveal how awesome He is and it will be alot less about me. I look at my life now and see that right now finding God and going towards the Messiah with my full heart is what needs to happen. Jesus first and maybe someday I will come across the one that I am supposed to be with unless singleness happens for the cause of ministry. Lord I hope not. haha.
Point 3
Leading is something I am called for but hey...who isn't? I fret so much about what I need to do to be a good leader and show Jesus in every way possible. Then I realize that I have the answers right in front of me and I am too lazy to go through them. I think everyone is at this point...because we will never be the perfect Christian or leader. What we need however is to get on our knees and quit trying to change our own lives. How? Pray and read the word of God. Why is that a chore? Lately I was at a small group when they were talking about being accountable to each other for reading the bible and journal. Why should we even have to be? Is it really that much of a chore and do we really have to have help like that? Yes, alot of times because we are in a sinful nature which will pry us away from our first love. So with that hold me accountable guys!!! I am now the leader of a small group myself and it is nerve racking but what I find is in every leader of the bible you don't see these huge proud awesome men, but those that have weaknesses that are used by God because He is strong. That is how it works. I will be blogging on these points by themselves later, but this is where my mind is.

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