I would say something, but this video already said more than I can...so I will just post it.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009

So, I told someone I was going to write something about them. Hope they like it! In all seriousness the past month to month in a half has been an amazing time for me in my life as I have been able to expand ministry roles and do more than what I was at the church. One of those things that I do at the church I already wrote about in the past "Redeemed" is the title. God has placed me though at the head of a small group where I am able to minister and befriend these guys that are really funny and to be honest with you alot like myself.... It is about the most fun I have had in a while and my dream is partially coming true knowing that I am able to share my life and share the amazingness of Jesus with them. With this comes working with another small group. The leader of that small group is someone that I don't know if anyone could ever dislike. She is one cool person! But since I know she is reading this I want to put a disclaimer here and say this, "You still aren't as cool as I am and never will be, get over it!" Haha! The truth is there is nothing else in life that I could look forward to more than ministry and working with the small group folks. Check back later for a video post. YEAH!

Monday, March 16, 2009
ok This is FUNNY!
I know I have been slacking at the blog thing but keep checking up. I am going to post a couple in the next couple days...including a video blog! wooo hoo. SO watch this and enjoy!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The rest of the story...
Ok, I realized last night that it bugged me to no end about the circomstances and things going on in my mind with the passing away of AJ. I thought if I blogged about it maybe some stress from my mind would be released but the more I typed and the more that I thought about the entirity of it, the more I got depressed about it, so I now have chosen to pray that God uses the situation in my life and others but also that I will never forget this feeling and that it drives me to be a person that reaches out more than I do. Lord use us!
It's Only Eternity....Come on It's a big DEAL!!!
For the life of me I sit bewildered and in a state of shock. For two long days something has been eating me away and tearing my heart up. Though I am not emotional about it (yet) I find myself unable to quit thinking about it. Here is the deal, a pretty cool guy from my hometown was involved in a car wreck Sunday morning around 4:00 in the morning. He fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the median on the interstate and collided head on with an 18 wheeler. Immediately the car burst into flames and the young man was burned to death. The two people in the 18 wheeler escaped but are in the hospital with injuries the last time I heard. Here is the deal, this guy was not a follower of Christ, if he believed that Jesus was real is one thing, but the fact that his heart was unrepentant and the fact that he ran from the Lord is another. The demons know who Jesus is but they still will be cast into Hell! I keep playing over in my mind what has happened in his life and where he was in life right before this all happened and it hurts and makes my heart absolutely hurt. This guy worked at a place that was full of Christians, even well educated ones. These Christians were around him all the time and though a few out of all of these guys tried to reach out it did no good. So with this I try to dissect the situation and see why. I know at one point that he was completely put off to the idea of Christianity because of the way that the supposed “Christians” were treating him, or because of the lifestyle that they lived. Here is a rhetorical question for you, how can you speak about Jesus unless you act like Him to the best of your ability? This guy was completely turned off by these Christians that sent their Godly chain emails and talked about God at work and then completely went off of the deep end in the way that they lived or treated him. It isn’t just big things but small things that matter as well and the hardest part is I look at this and feel that I don’t know that I could have done much better. This person is in eternity without God or any resemblance of Him. Without God I cannot imagine that anything nice would be there or even some things that would be unpleasant to remind us of nice things. If hell is eternity without God then that would mean everything God created would not be there either right? ( I am just thinking outloud) Just thinking about that we could go on to include that the beauty of the world around us would not be there. (trees, the stars in the sky, the grass on the ground, water, beautiful life all around us) What about this one? We wouldn’t have these relationships with family because we would be separated and friendships would be lost as we are alone. I can’t imagine the torment and the psychological things that happen in hell either. So with that why are we such idiots as Christians and relax in our comfortable lives there at our house watching, “The Biggest Loser” or some tv show that makes us entertained or even emotional? Aren’t we concerned? Don’t we see the craziness of it all. As believers we have the key to life and can share it….so how can we keep it in and live a life of comfort or even of sin and damn those to hell that should have a chance just like we do to meet Jesus face to face. What separates us and them? We all suck and should be in Hell, it’s only because of God showing us through the Holy Spirit about Repentance and a Righteous King that is Ruler of our lives once we turn our life over to Him that we even have a life to live. We were all once dead to sin, but now free in righteousness. If we have this freedom shouldn’t it be to live for Christ? Someone is in Hell because he couldn’t get the picture painted of Christ because of the fact that the Christians acted no different than he did. Doesn’t the word christian mean that we profess His name and actions? With that out of the way I have to say I have failed to live this sort of life and I cannot sit idly by and watch this happen. If your heart does not feel the same then maybe you need a check to see if you are Jesus true follower in the first place. Our job as a believer is to let other people know about the Love and care that Jesus has for us and all the while He still is the Righteous God, Messiah, Savior that demands our worship and praise through the actions in our life and our words. To Be Continued...
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